The Book of Satoshi : The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto by Phil Champagne

The Book of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto

Phil Champagne


The Book Of Satoshi

The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator

Satoshi Nakamoto

Phil Champagne


Copyright © 2014 by Phil Champagne, All rights reserved.

The part of this book’s content that comes from Internet forum is in the public domain. I give full rights to anyone to copy and distribute electronic copies of this book, either in part or in full.

Published in the United States of America by e53 Publishing LLC

ISBN 978-0-9960613-0-8 Hardcover

ISBN 978-0-9960613-1-5 Softcover

e53 Publishing LLC

Cover illustration by Lisa Weichel

Editing by Mary Graybeal

Cover and text design and composition by John Reinhardt Book Design

This book is also available in eBook format.

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About the Cover Picture


Who This Book is Intended For


1. Introduction

2. How and Why Bitcoin Works

3. The First Post on Crypto Mailing List

4. Scalability Concerns

5. The 51% Attack

6. About Centrally Controlled Networks Versus Peer-to-Peer Networks

7. Satoshi on the Initial Inflation Rate of 35%

8. About Transactions

9. On the Orphan Blocks

10. About Synchronization of Transactions

11. Satoshi Discusses Transaction Fees

12. On Confirmation and Block Time

13. The Byzantine General's Problem

14. On Block Time, an Automated Test, and the Libertarian Viewpoint

15. More on Double Spend, Proof-of-Work and Transaction Fees

16. On Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Denial of Service Attacks, and Confirmation

17. More in the Transaction Pool, Networking Broadcast, and Coding Details

18. First Release of Bitcoin

19. On the Purpose For Which Bitcoin Could Be Used First

20. "Proof-of-Work" Tokens and Spammers

21. Bitcoin Announced on P2P Foundation

22. On Decentralization as Key to Success

23. On the Subject of Money Supply

24. Release of Bitcoin Vo.1.3

25. On Timestamping Documents

26. Bitcointalk Forum Welcome Message

27. On Bitcoin Maturation

28. How Anonymous Are Bitcoins?

29. A Few Questions Answered By Satoshi

30. On "Natural Deflation"

31. Bitcoin Version 0.2 is Here!

32. Recommendation on Ways to Do a Payment for An Order

33. On the Proof-of-Work Difficulty

34. On the Bitcoin Limit and Profitability of Nodes

35. On the Possibility of Bitcoin Address Collisions

36. QR Code

37. Bitcoin Icon/Logo

38. GPL License Versus MIT License

39. On Money Transfer Regulations

40. On the Possibility of a Cryptographic Weakness

41. On a Variety of Transaction Types

42. First Bitcoin Faucet

43. Bitcoin 0.3 Released!

44. On The Segmentation or "Internet Kill Switch"

45. On Cornering the Market

46. On Scalability and Lightweight Clients

47. On Fast Transaction Problems

48. Wikipedia Article Entry on Bitcoin

49. On the Possibility of Stealing Coins

50. Major Flaw Discovered

51. On Flood Attack Prevention

52. Drainage of Bitcoin Faucet

53. Transaction to IP Address Rather Than Bitcoin Address

54. On Escrow and Multi-Signature Transactions

55. On Bitcoin Mining as a Waste of Resources

56. On an Alternate Type of Block Chain with Just Hash Records

57. On the Higher Cost of Mining

58. On the Development of an Alert System

59. On the Definition of Money and Bitcoin

60. On the Requirement of a Transaction Fee

61. On Sites with CAPTCHA and Paypal Requirements

62. On Short Messages in the Block Chain

63. On Handling a Transaction Spam Flood Attack

64. On Pool Mining Technicalities

65. On WikiLeaks Using Bitcoin

66. On a Distributed Domain Name Server

67. On a PC World Article on Bitcoin and WikiLeaks Kicking the Hornet's Nest

68. Satoshi's Last Forum Post: Release of Bitcoin 0.3-19

69. Emails to Dustin Trammell

70. Last Private Correspondence

71. Bitcoin and Me (Hal Finney)

72. Conclusion

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Terms & Definitions


Last updated